Admission to Hospital
Nipigon District Memorial Hospital is committed to ensuring barrier-free access to its patients and their families as well as their visitors at its hospitals. Should you have any concerns during your hospital stay, please speak with a nursing staff member or the Chief Nursing Officer.
When you are admitted to the hospital, you or your family are asked a number of questions. We will confirm your name and address, health card number, supplemental health insurance coverage, allergies and special dietary needs. You will be given a hospital identification bracelet that includes this important information. This band is one of two patient identifiers that will be checked often during your stay.
The hospital does not assume responsibility for any of your personal items while you are a patient, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR VALUABLES AT HOME.
What You Will Need
- Personal Items: You are encouraged to bring your own sleepwear, underwear, bathrobe and slippers, your eyeglasses, contact lenses or a hearing aid, and personal care items such as shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash.
- Ontario Health card and proof of additional insurance coverage, if required. For more information on Ontario Health Cards, click HERE.
- Medications: Bring in your own medications (in their original bottles) and/or a complete list of your medications. This includes a record of your prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications such as vitamins, supplements, herbal remedies and any other non-prescription medications - as well as a list of the dosages and the frequency of each medication you are taking.
Other Admission Information
- Patient Declaration of Values (your rights and responsibilities as a patient of NDMH), click HERE
- Cell Phone Use, click HERE
- Smoke Free Property, click HERE
- Television and Telephone, click HERE
- Visiting at NDMH, click HERE
- Pet Visiting at NDMH, click HERE
- Patient Feedback, (we want you to tell us about your stay), click HERE
- Spiritual Care, click HERE