Nipigon District Memorial Hospital - Visiting Hours skip to content

Nipigon District Memorial Hospital


Visiting Hours

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Rest periods are encouraged for your recovery. Visiting restrictions may be implemented at the discretion of our nursing staff.


Daily visiting hours take place from 11:00 a.m. until 8:30 p.m.


  • Children under the age of 12 years are to be accompanied by an adult. We encourage 2 visitors at a time. Restricted visiting hours are important for patients on the cardiac monitor.
  • Exceptions to visiting hours are made for the family members of our palliative patients.
  • Public washrooms are located in the front lobby. Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay with their child or infant.
  • It is most important to wash your hands at one of the hand washing stations located throughout the hospital before and after visiting.

Please refrain from visiting if you are experiencing any viral like symptoms — fever, cough, stomach upset and/or diarrhea.